*------------------------- bmc_grad_readme.txt -----------------------* This file describes the contents of the Graduate Education & Current Projects section of my On-line Portfolio. Access to the Portfolio link is password protected. If you are interested in any of the contents of this Portfolio, you can contact me via e-mail to request the password. /********************************************************************\ Portfolio ~ Graduate Education & Current Projects \********************************************************************/ This section of my portfolio comprises selected practicals, papers & presentations that I have written in the course of my graduate education and personal projects. Note: Most of these zip files have been created to retain relative paths or folder hierarchy. Since many folders contain files by the same name (like a readme.txt file), it is recommended that if you unzip a file with more than one program, that you retain the folder hierarchy. For Example: If you are using Norton Utilities File Manager, click the "Use Stored Folders" option. If you are using the WinZip Utility, click the "Use Folder Names" option. You have 3 different download options: 1) Download one .zip file containing my Graduate Portfolio: bmc_grad_portfolio.zip 2) Download .zip files containing the 4 sections of this portfolio: Evidence_Recovery_Practicals.zip - Evidence Reports and Processing notes from "case" practicals from Computer Forensics I Networking_Practicals.zip - Evidence Reports and Processing notes from "case" practicals from Computer Forensics II Papers_Presentations.zip - Technical & Forensic papers & presentations from Computer Forensics Graduate Certificate Program Tools_Forensic.zip - Forensic tools and utilities used in course practicals and investigations If you download these files, unzip them to a directory that you have created for this purpose. When you unzip these files they will create the following directories respectively: Evidence_Recovery_Practicals/ CGS5131_Practical_01/ CGS5131_Practical_02/ CGS5131_Practical_03/ CGS5131_Practical_04/ Networking_Practicals/ CGS5132_Practical_01/ CGS5132_Practical_02/ CGS5132_Practical_03/ Papers_Presentations/ CCJ6938_ComputerCrimeCosts_01.zip CrimeSceneInvestigationTermPaper.zip DOS_Attacks.zip Forensic_Tools/ DOS7_BootDisk/ Prune_SeeJunk/ PutFlop_GetFlop/ * See the Scenario 3 Description for full descriptions of the contents of each directory. 3) Download the individual programs or documents: Bmc_Forensics/ Evidence_Recovery_Practicals/ CGS5131_Practical_01.zip CGS5131_Practical_02.zip CGS5131_Practical_03.zip CGS5131_Practical_04.zip Networking_Practicals/ CGS5132_Practical_01.zip CGS5132_Practical_02.zip CGS5132_Practical_02.zip Papers_Presentations/ CCJ6938_ComputerCrimeCosts_01.zip CCJ6938_Criminological Theory and Computer Crime - 02.zip CrimeSceneInvestigationTermPaper.zip DOS_Attacks.zip Tools_Forensic/ DOS7_BootDisk.zip Prune_SeeJunk.zip PutFlop_GetFlop.zip Scenario 3: Descriptions - Individual practicals, papers & presentations: Again if you unzip these files choose to retain the stored folders or paths option in your zip utility. Evidence_Recovery_Practicals/ files: (I have enclosed the image files of the floppy disk evidence - you can use the tools, putflop.exe and getflop.exe to extract this image to a disk.) CGS5131_Practical_01.zip Recover the incriminating image/images of "Kitty" Pornography believed to be on the disk. (file recovery) CGS5131_Practical_02.zip Determine if there is anything on the diskette which can be used to further the current investigation of Mr. Ous with regard to his financial activities. (password protection) CGS5131_Practical_03.zip Recover any probative information contained on the disk that may lend insight to the question of a possible security breach of taking the files out of the office of employment of the suspect. (slack space) CGS5131_Practical_04.zip The evidence was recovered under a dead body. The death does not appear to be from natural causes. (physical damage) Networking_Practicals/ files: CGS5132_Practical_01.zip Investigating bootable version of Linux called Trinux and a software utility called VIAClean. CGS5132_Practical_02.zip Investigating Unix / Linux commands and logs of forensic value. CGS5132_Practical_03.zip Investigating SysInternals Utlilites: diskmon, filemon & pstools. Papers_Presentations/ files: CCJ6938_ComputerCrimeCosts_01.zip Small research on the costs of Computer Crime in the US (MS Word 97 .doc file) CCJ6938_Criminological Theory and Computer Crime - 02.zip Small research on the Criminological Theory and the sociology of the computer criminal (MS Word 97 .doc file) CrimeSceneInvestigationTermPaper.zip Forensics Term Paper researching Crime Scene Investigation (MS Word 2000 .doc file) DOS_Attacks.zip Presentation on Denial of Service Attacks (MS PowerPoint 95/97 .ppt file) Tools_Forensic/ files: DOS7_BootDisk.zip Image and readme.txt file for DOS 7 boot disk. Prune_SeeJunk.zip Two useful utilities, Prune and SeeJunk. PutFlop_GetFlop.zip Imaging utilities to put and/or get an image from a 720 or 1.44 3.5" floppy diskette. *------------------------- bmc_grad_readme.txt -----------------------*